I was recently in a car crash and got numerous injuries, including facial scarring. I've been told I could get a large amount of money if I was to claim, however, i'm not entierly sure what the process is or how it would affect the driver. If anyone could help, that would be great, thanks.
Answer by Fred S
Why do you care what would happen to the driver? If you were injured in a car accident, you should make a claim. Engage the least sleazy lawyer you can find and start the process.
With regards to the driver, his or her insurance costs will go up, because of the damage to the vehicle. Your claim won't likely have any additional effect.
Answer by mbrcatz
You've been told by WHOM? That's the person you should ask!
When you get paid for a claim, it shows on the Comprehensive Loss Underwriting Exchange - even if it wasn't your fault.
And, an insurance compay is NEVER going to pay you more than the policy limit. What you can get, depends on who is at fault in the accident, your state laws, and how much insurance they have.
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