to sponsor cycling teams and on advertising is just plain nuts? They claim they are losing money, but look how much they advertise. They paid lance Armstrong $ 1M a year for 4 years as part of sponsoring the US Postal team at the Tour De France. So should I have to pay more for stamps for them to waste the money on advertising? I mean, who does not know about the post office? How would advetising world wide benefit them? Can you find a US post office in Russia? Or China? How about North Korea, Iran, Iraq or Egypt? Maybe we have one in Africa?
I don't think so. So why are we getting this line of BS that they are losing money? The are spending on advertising, they sell our addresses everyday to solicitors, they charge people who send junk mail less than they charge us for 1 oz first class letter. They take no care of your item that you ship. Your lucky if it gets there because one of the x con employees doesnt decide to take it home with them. The service sucks.
I don't want to hear how tough they have it. Screw them, they took the job! Deal with it! I am in construction and I don't get a little air conditioned jeep to drive block to block in.
They are over-paid lazy people. You ever seen the lines at the post office? The post office has to be the ONLY business on this planet that can lose money while it has a line out the door every single day!! So that hey they have a hard job crap don't float!
Think about this. They sell on average several millions of dollars in stamps to collectors that are never used. That means they are getting paid but they do not incure the expense of actually having to process the product. That woould also be known as PURE PROFIT. So now, on top of everything else, they can't even make things work with a multi-million dollar pure profit base! How is this possible? I say stop junk mail, and there will be no need for a post office.
And another thing, Stamps are .39 cents. If you have 100 stamps and the proce goes to .41 cents they want you to buy a 2 cent stamp. That is wrong! Here is another fine example of being screwed! If you buy a stamp, it should be valis no matter what they rais ethe rate to because it was the cost of postage at the time. So if you mail it on day 1 its ok, buit not day 2? You still paid full price for it, so it should still be a vaild stamp.
All I can say is I belive they are pricing themselves out of business. 41 cent stamp by april 07. No thanks.
Another neat way they screw us is first class is based on the cost of handling 1 ounce. How many letters or bills have you ever mailed that weighed 1 ounce? The fact is it does not weigh 1/4 ounces! So they are over-charging 75% on a simple letter or bill. How's that for price gouging?
This is why your an idiot. First off, I am in construction. What you don't know is I am part of a family owned company that is going on 40 years in business. So I make far MORE than most of the idiots at the post office including yourself.
Second, the civil servant test could be passed by a 3rd grader. I know this because I took the test when I was in High School. There was nothing to it.
Third, I would not work at the Post Office if it was the last place on earth to work. mainly because I am not found of workplace shootings. And just because they are not fellons doesn't mean the don't steal. You get a pair of Oakleys ripped off by the post office and see how fond of their security you are.
The fact is it's a scam and the world could do without it. And if you don't think so, give it a few years when all the post office delivers is junk mail.
It has gotten so bad at the post office with theft that companies like OAKLEY has changed addresses they ship their products from and the name they are shipped under. They changed their addresses for returns and repairs and they not recommend that UPS or a similar service only be used when sending any product to them for any reason. You think that is by accident?
How about Ebay complaints of missing goods doubling in the past year? if it has a item number or anything that hints it is ebay. They take the package, look up the item number, if they like it they keep it. if not they put it in the system. NEVER put an item number on a package! And there are many other companies. So your going to defend the post office with all that happening?
Idiot. Billion $ corporations don't spend money for address changes and name changes just because they like to spend money.
Just wait and see, the post office is headed out of business and they are doing it to themselves with all the rate hikes.
Answer by rockinout
I couldn't agree more!!!
Answer by ravebyron
OF COURSE YOU ARE 100% CORRECT!! "Who doesn't know about the postal service?" That's funny and so absurdly true.
Answer by Guy R
Less and less people using po, whereas in past everyone used it. They need extra money to make up for loss of volume to cover budget. The bigger and bigger fed ex and ups get the higher rates will go.
Answer by Cimba00
I agree with you. I think EBAY really boosted their income. Sure they've lost a lot to email, but think about all the EBAYers out there! I can see them advertising to promote a new service, such as click & ship, but ordinary advertising and sponsoring is just nuts.
Answer by z baila
That is great!! I am usually annoyed by people's rants and raves but yours is totally valid and worth raving about.
Answer by mHchelle
The USPS is big business just as Coke and Pepsi. Just because the words "United States and Service" are attached doesn't mean you are owed anything beyond what .39 pays for. All big businesses advertise with celebrity and sport icons. With the internet capabilities growing as rapidly as they are to stay in business the USPS, as I see it, must raise prices to remain a service to those who do not have internet access. I for one could not do their job. Have you seen the carriers' bags they must carry on their backs, whether it be hot or below freezing? It's a job in which they do earn their pay. You also sell your own address everyday by entering contests and sweeps. As far as "x con" employees? They're everywhere. Quit using the postal service if it's that much of an issue for you. I will continue buying my stamps, at .39 or 1.00. It's well worth it.
Answer by Bob B
Just another example of the government sticking it to us every chance it gets!!
Answer by rr2gtfd
I'd be willing to bet that an ex-con could'nt get a job with the PO. If you have a felony conviction on your record forget it. It seems like all you can post about is negatives about the PO, you didn't get a job with them or something. And we don't sell anybodys address to anyone, the people that you buy things from do that to you. Or the ones whos magz you subscribe to do, but not us. You work in construction, chances are you couldn't pass the test required to get a PO job. And we don't sponsor any bike teams anymore either.
Answer by JC
Talk about 'going postal', your responses on this subject are just that. I think we all get it that you really don't like the post how about this...just don't use them and the rest of the people who want to simply will.
Glad you found a place to vent because you really seem to need to...
Answer by stefamimi24
Actually the postal service offers the cheapest rates to send mail in the WORLD... so you hve to think about how good you have it there plus there are totally self tax dollars all there money comes from the cost of using them so if i'd suggest you look at the bright side or jut pay all your bills online then you don't hve to worry about the little stamp
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Orignal From: Am I the only one who thinks that the Post office raising the price of stamps while spending millions?
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