The accident happened around the beginning of last year. I feel like I'm bugging my attorney but, I don't understand the timeline of it all! He sent the demand letter to the Insurance company on June 5th and said they had 10 days to respond! Well, it's been more than 10 days and I'm getting anxious! I have moved out of the state the accident occured in and am having trouble transfering my treatment to where I live now. I have had cervical spinal fusion and have to go have rhizotomys done every six months for gosh knows how long! I just don't want to bother my Attorney was hoping for some feed back! Oh, and does the amount of your medical bills contribute to how much they'll offer? Mine at this point are over $ 200,000.00
If I wait until I am done treating, I will never close my case! According to both my neck surgeon and my pain manangement Doctor, it looks like I have to go in every 6 months to a year to have Rhizotomy's done on my back, bilateral on 3 levels, for the rest of my life. My Neck surgeon wants me to have them done on my neck but, I'm not healing from these as fast as I should! I also have irreversable nerve damage on my left side. My attorney did not request documentation for lost wages or any other things. He said we have enough with my medical bills and future treatments. The Semi driver's coverage is a single limit 1Mil. Which I am told is all we can go after! But, just in future Rhizotomy's we are looking at over 300,000. If I only live until 63. It's just frustrating and I feel like I'm annoying my attorney, I know he gets 1/3 but, I'm not the type that likes to be considered a pain in the butt.
Answer by craizeegirl2003
In the same boat, we were in an accident may of 2007 and we haven't even done depositions or met with her attorney. They have told us they have seen it last up to 2 years plus and yes they look at everything, medical bills, time away from work, miles to and from doc appointments, everything.............................................hang in there!!!!
Answer by Shelly
it depends on the insurance agency. could take a while or could just be bout a month or two. depends on how much you are willing to settle for.
Answer by Lawnboy & Luna
If you are still treating, why has your attorney decided to settle? You should have waited until you have reach a medical end result. Your attorney would/should have sent you for a permanency rating. This rating would be considered when the case is evaluated. Other factors, the nature and extent of your injury, disability(total/partial) and treatment.
Your medicals and lost wages are included in the settlement if they remain outstanding. I assume that you do not have PIP coverage.
It is surprising that the adjuster has not responded, but honestly it could be that the adjuster has to seek authority from a Supervisor or Home Office Examiner, or your attorney did not provide the adjuster with ALL of the supporting documentation. Sometimes, attorneys conveniently leave out medical documentation.
Unless your claim exceeds the policy limit and the policy is tendered, your claim will not settle with the first offer. With your injury, you better hope that the other party had liability limits that were more than your state's compulsory limits. Commercial Auto coverage usually carry $ 1MIL, with an excess policy.
Answer by MSAD
You have an attorney.
You need to follow up with him.
Since we are not familier with the status of your case (and your attorney is) - you need to speak to him or the case manager working on your case.
You will be paying a very large chunk of any settlement you get to your attorney. Since you are paying him....bug him. It's your money that is paying for his service/expertise.
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