i've been dealing with what appears to be tos for over 4 months now. my personal doc believes it to be tos brought on by a shoulder injury(shoulder muscle strain, torn labrum). the problem is since it is work related i have to go through a doctor who accepts workers comp. when i told my ortho specialist he casually replied "we don't do nuerological issues" and walked out of the room. this was extremely frustrating because they are not the ones dealing with the sharp pains down the arm and the unbearable headaches(which i rarely got any headache prior to injury and definitely nothing of this magnitude). i requested a change of phsysician through worker's comp and was denied. all the specialist wanted to do is cut me open and get me outta there. he didn't even mention the nerve issue on the diagnosis to worker's comp. they are so scared of pain meds they would rather have someone suffer than actually help that patient get through. i need the ortho to make the referral to nuerologist.
Answer by Stephanie
Get a lawyer and doctument! everything.
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Orignal From: what if one doctor says you have tos, but the workers comp doctor won't acknowledge it or help with symptoms?
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