which would be cheaper hit and run or an accident claim?

Answer by Lawnboy & Luna
What do you mean by cheaper? If you have collision coverage, file a claim. Either way your deductible will likely apply. They are both considered accidents.

Did you hit a stationary object and now wish to claim it was a hit and run driver who caused the damage? If that is the case(not saying it is), you would be committing insurance fraud. I would not recommend doing so.

Answer by calipink22
It depends on the extent of the damage... there's no right or wrong answer. A hit and run is generally a fault free accident which results in no premium increase. An accident can be filed as negligent which could result in a premium increase. Either way, you have to tell the truth about how the accident really happened in order to receive any benefits of insurance coverage. If you don't then you are commiting insurance fraud. Then you'll be posting a question "where can I find the cheapest lawyer for my insurance fraud case?"

Answer by § ☼ JLG ☼ §
Um, how about you just file it as the truth??? It is people like you who have made the insurance rates what they are. Also, people like you lying about what happened, that it wouldn't matter which, they would both be covered under collision, subject to deductible, and eligible for a surcharge. Way to go winner!

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Orignal From: would it be cheaper to file a claim as a hit and run or an accident?