There is this lawyer who states:
I practice law only in jurisdictions in which I am licensed to do so. I do not seek to represent anyone in any jurisdiction where my website does not comply or is in any way inconsistent with the rules governing communication of legal services in a particular state. I will not represent clients from those states where the materials do not comply with state bar requirements and where the client is...
This dude is from the USA.
Representing an online company in the UK.
Is that possible?
Answer by rdenig_male
He is perfectly entitle to 'represent' them, whatever you, or he, means by that expression. However, unless he has been called as a solicitor or called to the bar as a barrister either in England/Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland, he cannot 'act', basically meaning he cannot appear in Court nor prepare certain documents (for profit). He could, however, if he felt competent, represent a company in employment proceedings, for example, or before other tribunals where a UK legal qualification (from one of the three jurisdictions) is not required. He could even prepare Court papers, but he could not show himself as 'acting' and the papers would have to be issued by the company.
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