how long before i get my insurance munny?

Posted by 70sfamily | 10:14:00 PM

i had an accedent on the 14th of march ane am claiming of the other boys insurance i have a witness and he has put in a statement also i have a solicitor acting for me

Answer by stick man
It depends on when you filed your claim and the nature of the case. Stay in touch with the insurance company and check with your attorney. Good Luck.

Answer by Ande
as soon as you learn to spell.

Answer by Lawnboy & Luna
Well, why don't you ask your attorney this question? Is this an injury claim? Property Damage claim? Perhaps there is a question of liability, and your claim will be denied. There really aren't any set time frames.

Answer by
how good is your lawyer?

Answer by entidtil
If you filled out the claim like you asked this question, it may take a quite a while. Spell check can help, use it.

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