I just heard that Mark Foley is using left over campaign funds to pay his legal fees amounting over $ 200,000 and that he still has 2 million in the bank.
Moreover, this is legal. No wonder all these people want to jump in the race knowing they don't have a chance of winning.
This is not exclusive to Republicans or Democrats but they are the law makers. How is this in the best interest of contributors or the Country. The only answer they seem to have is to tax us more, enter Congress poor and come out millionaires.
There has to be a better way.
I heard it on FOX news this morning.
Answer by Riddler
Where did you get that information? Can you post a link please. As I understand it, leftover campaign funds must be offered to be returned to the contributors and can only be used, with approval, if the contributors don't want it back. Perhaps that is the case in this instance?
Answer by bullwinklejmoose
In 2004, over 171,154 Americans donated $ 328,479,245 and countless hours of time to help John Kerry get elected President.
John Kerry? He's still hanging on to $ 8,352,685 of that money.
Why does he need it? He says he is not running again. Maybe he hopes people will forget?
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Orignal From: Why are left over campaign funds allowed to be used for a candates use?
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