If you have a At fault accident claim on your auto insurance policy affects your home insurance policy? and vice versa?

Do home insurers check your Auto insurance CLUE report as well?
Or vice versa?

For long At fault accident affects your premium?

Answer by Roger M
yes they effect each other, as does poor credit

how long depends on your insurer 3-7 years

Answer by david b
don't know if this will help, but in pa. they told me they aren't even allowed to ask any questions about your driving history after 3 years.

now, if something is still pending on your record, that's a different story.
but they can't ask...have you ever been in an accident.

Answer by mbrcatz
Nope, claims on one policy won't affect the other.

The home insurers might pull the auto clue report. It is allowed, and the reverse, also.

The time an at fault accident affects your premium, depends on what state you are in. Most of the time, it's three full policy years, but some states, it can count against you up to seven years.

Answer by Knuckles
If they are separate policies (and not combined as a Special discounted package), than claims on one should not affect the other

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Orignal From: At fault claims on your auto insurance policy affects Home owners insurance policy premiums?