two kids aged 7-8 yrs were travelling in the school bus, when one of the kid attacks the eyes of the othr kid with her hands causing severe injury to the other kid.
so in this case, can the parents of the injured claim compensation from the parents of the kid who attacked... or .... not just becoz the kid is a minor and claim that it was unintentional????

plz answer... thanks... itz an emeregency....

Answer by paul w
in most states but its not that way in all

Answer by Chrys
the parents of the injured kid can sue anyone they want...the other kid, the kids parents, the school bus company, the driver for not stopping the bus and keeping the kid from being injured.
(and any parent who can't keep their kids from injuring others for no reason, needs to be sued (and slapped.))

Answer by Scouse
I'm not sure that in UK you can but you may be able to sue the educational authorities or the bus company for a lack of supervision. You need to speak to a lawyer you will be aware of the law in the place in which you live

Answer by J
Anyone can anybody at any time for any reason. You would sue the parents, not the child

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Orignal From: (emergency)can the parents claim compensation for their child's injury in this case?