I am charging clients for speaking to the paralegal, and answere any questions they might have, I enter it minute by minute and billing them, so if it goes above the retainer fee, is that legal?

Answer by anon
Did you get your law degree at wal-mart?

Answer by MIE
I do not give free answers.

If you are a lawyer you should know that.

Business is business.

Answer by sun_shinevt
Again I am alarmed that you are an attorney. If I was a client I wouldn't hire you. Ethically you shouldn't be charging your hourly rate for the paralegal doing your job! Second of all paralegals shouldn't be answering questions for your clients. Ethically they are not supposed to be giving clients advice of any kind. If it goes past the retainer fee you should be getting their permission to continue on with their case. Again I'm scared that you don't know the answers to these questions you are asking - since you are supposedly a lawyer. I'm sure it won't be long before one of your clients makes a bar complaint against you.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Orignal From: Manchanda Law Offices wants to know if it illlegal for making clients sign a "retainer" and surcharging them