isn't sinning just a case of product-liability?

god created human-beings, starting with adam and eve. They were his first human products. Then eve ate the apple, and now he blames us for sinning. Shouldn't he just blame himself? every lawyer would call this a form of product-liability.

Answer by mosi
Well, and we all know there are waaaaay too many lawyers on this little planet. Lawyers are satan incarnate.

Answer by luigi4500
go to hell and find out

Answer by Gnosis
It's closer to negligence actually.

Answer by gabetullis
well, yes.

Answer by lukilao
it's okay to ask questions. There is a spiritual law that God can't even break. It all started with Lucifer, later called Satan. you have to read the bible. When God grants you wisdom and discernment, you'll be able to understand the parables that Jesus talked about and the corelation between actual happenings and what are about to happen.

Answer by GruHairy
I think you are on to something!

You will no doubt have those come in and sprat about "free will".. but if god knew everything and "has a plan".. then I am voting for YOUR thought here!

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