If you contact your Representatives in the Senate does this help or the Senators unwilling or unable to get anything done? What does the VA mean when they say "we are still processing your application for COMPENSATION "."We apologize for the delay".

Answer by eldude
Because Democrats control spending and have for the last two years and refuse to revamp the VA.

Answer by Liberal AssKicker
The VA is federal, not state.

Answer by betotron don
if your over 85 you get speedy recovery

Answer by Pat F
Lack of funding and staff. The statement is pretty clear.

Answer by icangothedistance
It's run by the military and our current congress doesn't love our vets... Plus you were in the military, haven't you ever heard "hurry up and wait"?

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Orignal From: Why does the VA in CA take over 24 months to process a claim for compensation?