Inksters Solicitors | Investing in Technology | Secrets of Success film by Telegraph Business Club
This film on Inksters Solicitors (Glasgow, Scotland) was made by the Telegraph Business Club as a Masterclass for their 'Secrets of Success' series. Inksters were one of 15 businesses chosen by the Telegraph Business Club for an initial run of new Masterclass films and the only Scottish business involved. The film was made over three days at the end of October 2008 in Glasgow and in Shetland. The film was released on 16 February 2009. It shows, in particular, how Inksters have invested in technology to improve and enhance the service provided to the firm's clients. In the film the Telegraph Business Club state: Traditionally the law and innovation are not natural bedfellows but here is a company with foresight and wherewithal not simply to identify opportunity with innovation but to act on it. Inksters put innovation very much at the heart of everything it does. What it lacks in size it more than makes up for in entrepreneurial spirit and this has helped establish it as one of the most progressive law firms in Scotland. Video Rating: 5 / 5
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