Write where do i start, Me and my ex has split up, we have 2 kids(3 and 1 yrs ) I work full time (50 hrs per week) and take home £1400-£1700 per month, my ex works part time (12-16 hrs per week) earning £400 per month + £benefits(?). she has no child care costs as i have them after work 3nights and every other weekend. Right heres where it gets tricky we have a mortgage £180'000. about £1'200 per month: £1500 inc bills(not inc my own). I pay £1'200 and she pays £300+ food.
I cant afford to continue to pay this as this is london and its expensive. she wont pay any more and says lets go bankcrupt.

Surely this is not a option? im 28 i wont get anything ever. i want to pay for my kids, but i couldnt if i took on the morgage as i prob wouldnt have enough even for that oh and the property is in neg equity.

please please someone help. as i cant even afford the solicitors.
p.s I cant sell unless i have a £17'000+ debt as its only worth £160'000 max...

Answer by bankchick
sell the house?

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Orignal From: Mortgage payments after a break up with kids involved?