Don't most Christians believe in free-will? Would there be any need for "faith" if we did not have "free-will"? If there was no free-will, God would just force us to worship him, right? So isn't praying for an election win, praying that God force people into choosing a different candidate? For these people, wouldn't an Obama victory be an endorsement by God?
Answer by Substitute Teacher
I think you're on to something. This is about Palin praying to wake up and be the new VP elect, right? I saw that too, and her every next comment does not cease to astound me.
Answer by Derrick E
I don't believe in fairy tales. I vote for who I think is the best man to win. And this's OBAMA
Answer by michele
Quite to the contrary, as a matter of fact.
Christians are commanded to pray for our leaders.
Answer by Maggie C
You are to pray for God's will to be done - we are instructed to pray - that doesn't mean he will answer in the way you want him to. It is an act of obedience and if Obama wins there is a reason and not necessarily that God wants him to.
Answer by War Kittens?
It's rather ridiculous to pray for anything much less an election.
Answer by chichi
You should pray. I am tired of solders being killed. We need a change
Answer by e.sillery
Answer by Qwerty A
no its not hypocritical, GOD won't force people to do anything BUT HE will speak to someones heart
Answer by Jessica L
I don't think you understand the concept of prayer. In any case, you could always pray that the best candidate for our country wins the election.
Answer by CWT9881a
You're asking people with very poor reasoning skills to make reasonable requests. They will not understand your question.
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Orignal From: Is it hypocritical to pray for a candidate to win an election?
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