I have an interview tomorrow in a manufacturing company and this job requires knowledge of workers compensation.Can you please guide me of all the details related to workers compensation.I have tried to collect information online but i would like to know what kind of reports u have to submit and maintain for workers compensation?Do you have to make reports only when the injury/accident occur or you have to make it from time to time.What is the calender year for workers compensation.Does it ends on dec or june?Is it covered by health insurance companies?What is the procedure of managing workers compensation claim. PLEASE HELP!!!

Answer by michr
way to much to answer here this is Missouri's website for employers

there is a section on workers comp along with numerous other issues that have an effect on employers at this site.

i assume you are being interviewed for an HR position or is it just a safety position. different aspects of responsibility. after reading through this info you can e-mail me if i can be of assistance i gladly will.

this is a really good handbook from the department it is in PDF and you can print a copy for reference.

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Orignal From: Q&A: Interivew tomorrow (08/06) workers compensation law in Missouri