If I started a family law practice tomorrow and charged less than the firms do, do you think it'd be too hard to find clients because the economy? Do people just keep getting divorced?
Answer by brandon
nope this is a great time to start one, the only problem is finding the money to open and getting your name out there. But you will get clients quickley if your name is there. ( My uncle is a lawyer who handles divorces and he is doing justt fine....2 houses and 4 cars just fine haha)...soo go for it)
Answer by SubConCents
It's a very good time, congratulations! Your desk should have plenty of files on it.
Bad economy + Stress = Domestic Problems
That's a given. More money or Less money resulting in a change of lifestyle or means will ALWAYS cause domestic problems.
The number one reason why a couple gets divorced is because of Money. This can be poor financial situation, gambling losses, not agreeing on where to spend money, etc..
Number two reason is lack of intimacy *no sex*/*unfaithfulness*
... isn't that something?
Also a bit of advice, since you are starting out new, I would recommend calling a few divorce/domestic private investigators in the phone book and network with them. They can bring you in many clients. People will usually call an investigator before an attorney.
Good Luck!
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