yeah i know that there is no specific major to be a lawyer, but I want to be a family lawyer.
Answer by jj494
Answer by ownpool
Consider accounting and psychology.
Answer by uɐƃәʌpɐq
The top choice for a person wanting to pick a major for law school is Engineering as long as you can score a 4.0 This however almost never happens and you rarely see any Engineering or Science majors in law school.
The majors to stay away from are anything in fine arts, and education. Also dummy majors for jocks like sports management and sports nutrition should be avoided.
Good majors are English (commitees like that you learn to write)
Poly Sci, Philosophy, and any of the soft sciences (you learn to write, but seats fill up and they dont want 80% social science majors)
Bad majors are the sciences and math ...... unless you are really smart and can make a 3.9 or better and then you are gauranteed acceptance with a top 14 school no matter your LSAT.
BTW start studying for your LSAT 2 years before you graduate as an undergrad, you will be very thankful you did
Answer by David B
You are correct, there is no specific major to be a lawyer. But if you know what you want to practice, you can pick an appropriate bachelor's degree. Family law? Sociology is a possible good major for a future family lawyer. Psychology is also good. Why? Dealing with family law means you have to deal with family problems - divorce, paternity, child support, custody. An understanding of the societal factors, and psychological factors, which go into making decisions can help in family law. And most family law issues revolve around either initial bad decisions (a one night stand), or good decisions gone bad (many divorces when the parties just grew apart).
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Orignal From: I want to be a lawyer that practice's in family, what should i major in to help me?
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