hi ive got a partner in chad africa,he used to live here for around 7 years.we had a son together who is now 4,but wen our son was 3months old.his dad had to go back to chad for being illegal.ive been trying to help him back since then,ive got a solicitor thats cost me about 600pound but doing nothing so i just forgot it.now my partners friend is trying to help me..i need a job so that i can suport him when he gets back,a home for him to live and proof of us being together,ive got all these but i dont know thr right way of goin about it..any advise?

Answer by robert120513
I hear the weather in Chad is much better than British. Have you considered moving out to him? If you love him so much, wouldn't it seem the easier option?

Answer by snowey
Get a lawyer.

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Orignal From: how do i help my partner and sons dad back to the uk?