About 3 weeks ago I was the victim of a severe car accident. My car was hit on the driver's side which then tossed my car onto the sidewalk and into a building. The whole front of my car was bashed in, and was deemed a total loss by the other driver's insurance company; who took full liability. The other driver was 100% at fault. I did not suffer severe injuries, only minor. The other driver suffered no injuries. The major damage was psychological. It was incredibly traumatic and I was hysterical after the collision for about 20 minutes. I just turned 19 this month and this was my first major accident.

I was alone when it happened, and was on my way home from dropping my boyfriend off at the airport. I was interrogated numerous times by cops who, I'm guessing from their rude nature, assumed it was my fault since I'm young.

The problem is I am now hyper sensitized while driving. It causes me great anxiety when the car I'm in is approaching another car, or is coming to a stop behind one. I always imagine that we're going to hit the other car. Possible accidents run through my head, and I am so afraid that I am going to be in another collision. This is causing me major stress in my everyday life. I cry sometimes while driving because I'm so afraid of being hit. I used to enjoy driving, and would on long drives just for the fun of it. Now that's all changed.

How can I go about getting compensation for this from the other driver's insurance company? I am still settling the claim with them. I am seeking pain and suffering damages for the documented physical problems, but how do I prove I've suffered even worse psychological trauma? I've found research on ptsd and how if it goes untreated even worse problems can occur. I really feel psychiatric help is necessary, and compensation is due, but how do I go about proving this and getting the money I deserve?

Thank you so much for any and all help,


Answer by littleyellowguppy
Are you settling without a lawyer? If you are trying to do that you really need to get a lawyer involved. If you do not have the money for that (you income is low) you can try and get legal aid. They have lawyers that will take your case for little or nothing.

I agree if you have PTSD you need to seek treatment/help right away. I have PTSD and know how hard it is to live with.

Best of luck to you!

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