i need advice and help to anyone who can give me and share me a knowledge how can i depend my self i need a solicitor to help me to depend my case which already on the process.

Answer by Jessie H
First of all I am assuming you mean, "Defend, not Depend". Secondly you would have to supply more information of the allegations.

Answer by mj69catz
You say solicitor instead of lawyer or attorney, so I assume you are in the UK or at least not in the US.

Here in the US, there are websites that you can go to to assist you in defending yourself. However, keep in mind that lawyers have a saying " a lawyer who defends himself has a fool for a client" and lawyers know the law. You may be better off looking for low cost legal assistance in your area.

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Orignal From: how can i depend my self ive already suspended from my work wdue to such allegation made againts me?