the dependent stayed with the parent most of the year.
wow so that cant claim anyone as i expected huh?
Answer by acermill
If there is no income tax to be paid on the unemployment compensation, what is the point of claiming someone as a dependent ?
Answer by douglas
According to what you wrote you had no dependent living with you so No.
Answer by ernesthinton
Your Gay Accounting GURU
Sweetheart, the source of income does not matter. The problem is that unemployment is not available for the Earned Income Credit. Also, there is a $ 2,400.00 reduction of unemployment.
It may not be worth it
You can file form 8332 if you want to claim a child as a non=custodial parent
I am on FACEBOOK if you need me..
Let's look at this
Answer by Judy
Yes, but you can't get EIC for them.
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Orignal From: can you claim someone if you only made money from unemployment compensation in 2009?
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