I was seriously injured in an auto accident and have no personal ins. The dr.'s will not do 3rd. party billing & bill the auto ins. directly. They want me to pay for all care up front. The specialists want $ 500.00-$ 750.00 just for a consultation. I am in constant severe pain & need to get med. care fast but no one will help & the dr.'s won't let me make payments! Go figure. If anyone knows anything that can help or a good lawyer that can help please let me know.
Answer by Kat24
First of all, find out if you have med pay coverage on your auto policy. If you don't (or even if you do) you need to find a personal injury attorney. If you were not at fault for the accident, they will be able to direct you to someone who will treat you on a lien. This means that you will be able to get treatment without paying anything up front, they will get paid from the settlement.
Answer by TRAUMA
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