I was in a car accident not my fault my medical bill are up to $ 95,000 the lady that hit me her insurance covers $ 25,000 and my insurance is covering me for $ 25,000 so I have 50k so far of course I have to discount the 33% of the attorney fee which leaves me with about 30,000 so its not enough to cover my medical bills plus I am not even getting compensation for pain or any loss wages or anything that I am entitle to receive. Whats the next step to take so I can sew the lady that hit me so she can pay for the rest of my medical bills and all my compensations and loss wages please answer if you know only serious answers and reasonable answers please don't say ask your lawyer if I wanted to ask him I would ask him but I want to check this by my own to so I know so anyways thank you.

Answer by David W.
You can sue (not sew) her for everything she has, but chances of collecting much are very small--unless she's rich. You might be able to get some of the rest under your own polcy's Underinsured Motorist coverage, assuming of course that you have it and that you didn't think $ 25,000 was enough, like the other driver did.

Answer by Robster The Mobster
Yes you can sue her. Bring proof of lost wages, compensation, medical bills etc...

her wages WILL BE GARNISHED until it is payed off..

That is if she is poor. if she is rich she will pay it.

Answer by noe
yes you can sue that person they will garnished all of her wages

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Orignal From: car accident claim did not pay everything how can I SEW THE LADY?