Because I was hurt by ex-Roman Catholic Priest, Lau ka Yee. I am damaged and then I become a schizophrenic, I have to see psychairists and clinical psychologists for the rest of my life and I must continue to take pills, with side-effects. A lot of people in the world still tease me "crazy". I do not hate them at all, they just do not understand me.
I need the compensation to look after my family, seeing doctors and for donation to good charity and save lives.
I think Roman Catholic Church of Hong Kong is not using the donation from the public in a wise way, since Cardinal Zen Chan Yat Kwan has ordered the Church to spend over half million pounds to employ top lawyers and professionals in Hong Kong, to try to beat me! Though he knows that I am geninue and honest!
Please donate money to other good charities to save lives or give money to the poor including beggars directly.
Sometime, I still believe in God, but I just do not believe in Church.
Best wishes to all of you from Ah Lim

Answer by ICToA
ever see that movie "Little Nicky" with Adam Sandler, where Hitler gets a pineapple up his butt every day at noon? I hope that one who hurts you gets the same!!! There's not enough money in the world to compensate such ugliness.

Answer by bugsie
I am a woman, from the United States of America.
My father was powerful police.
BUT, my father was Catholic.
When I was Abused Sexually by Catholic priest, my father looked the other way.
Catholic Church is part of Satan's Earthly System, It is FALSE CHRISTIANITY. Read European History of Holy Wars, and Crusades, and Inquisitions carried out in the name of the CHRIST.
Satan owns the CATHOLIC CHURCH and all other false CHRISTIAN RELIGIONS.
To you, also wounded, like me, do this;
Pray to God, ask of Him to know His real name.
Ask of Him to make His Heavenly kingdom known to you.
Ask and pray all these things through our mediator to God the Father.
Our Mediator, is the one who died in sacrifice for us.
Jesus Christ.
So ask these things and all things you need to see clearly through Jesus to God the Father, I know you will be answered.
But, when the answer knocks on your door do not be shocked, do not reject it! Brother in God, I hope, Sister in the same pain, I am sure! Amen.

Answer by Unknown
You just had a bad Priest....

It doesn't mean the Church is bad....

I see were you're coming from, but blame the Priest, not the Chruch as a whole....


Answer by Catholic and Proud of it
You asked this question yesterday, why are you repeating it?

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Orignal From: why do I claim compensation from Roman Catholic Church?