I am majoring in Political science with a minor in Criminal Justice for my undergrad, and then want to go on to Law school. I don't want to be a trial lawyer because I don't want to spend all my time in a courtroom. What are my options?
Answer by tonalc2
Appeals, real estate, contract, family, anything that is not considered a litigator.
Answer by eLegal Consultant
If you intend to work in Big law firm. Dont Join the Litigation Department. At the final years at law school you will be able to choose and you will know which direction you want you career to go to.
Answer by LimbaughIsGawd
ask a lawyer. most consults are free, if you know where to ask.
ps-it also depends on which area of the country. Florida is notorious for insurance lawsuits, as is California and New York/New Jersey.
remember, it's not the work but the adjulation from winning lawsuits. Think about your ego. Unless you want to be bogged down in research all the time, you'll want to spend some time in the courtroom. That's where they will test your mettle.
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