i.e. Employer wage forms are W-2's and and tuition statements are 1098-T's. What forms do workers compensation/claims management companies send?
I was on worker's comp from the end of 2008 till mid-2009. Last year, I did receive a form and received a refund.

Answer by Ralph T
Probably a 1099 unless your workman's comp is not taxable.
If you received any WC checks,look at the stub to see if any taxes were taken out.

Answer by denise
my husband was on workermans compensation for 3 months, they told us at the workmans compensation office that as of now it is not taxable ! unemployment is. so dont worry

Answer by Bostonian In MO
They don't send one. Workers compensation is not taxable income and is not reported on your tax return. You might receive a statement that shows what you were paid but that is for your records and has no tax consequences.

Answer by Obamavenger
The check stub.

Answer by The
i try to write the answers your problem in my blog http://www.mystructuredsettlement.co.cc you can see any problem in my blog.

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Orignal From: What type of federal tax form do workers compensation companies send?