I live in the uk and was sexually abused by a family member from the ages of around 7 and ongoing sexual references until two years ago I am now 30 with two children and a new partner. I have been through hell with my life and suffered a lot. I have been attending ongoing councilling since I reported the matter to the police two years ago, and am still not myself at all. He has been charged by the CPS (crown prosecution service) and is due to make his plead tommorow. Has anyone else been through this or works for the courts/ is a solicitor etc who can tell me if I will be able to get any compensation? I know this wont help take the memories away but it will help me start a fresh maybe ?
by the sounds of it you people have not been through what I have. Its not all about the money but when you havnt got much and you have a right to it then why not ask for it. some people are so rude

Answer by MICHAEL B
If he is only just making his plea, which I believe will be guilty or not guilty how can you be getting compensation before the trial starts surely no guilt as been established, sorry cant answer the question about money but I will say if found guilty he or she will deserve everything that happens to them, good luck with the rest of your life.

Answer by LifeRyder
Why is it that EVERYTHING seems to require compensation, which equals money. What type of 'compensation' do you feel is due? What is done is done, you must put it behind you and move-on. Leave the past in the past; easier said then done, I know.

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Orignal From: recieving compensation for historic sexual abuse?