Answer by Greg S
a large percentage of germans speak english, it shouldn't be hard to find one

Answer by Alex M
Do you need a solicitor who just can speak English or one who also can deal with English / American law.

The first is not hard to find as another person already said most Germans do speak English and some solicitors even put in the telephone register if they speak more than just German (look for Englisch-sprachig).The other may be a bit harder to find since English and German law differ a great deal but you can find people who did study both and are entitled to work in both countries.

Also if you have a legal problem in Germany and you are not a German but a legal resident or a tourist you are entiteled to get an interpreter that does only count if the German authorities start the issue not if you are the one who starts.

Answer by scott
i live here in germany for the army and all germans or most germans speak english cas its in the schools here

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Orignal From: I would like to find an English speaking solicitor in Koln, Germany?