Right so basically yeah get this, i was at work the other day yeah and me and my mate Dave were up round by the roofing racks and my boss this geezer called Phil shouted out that some customer wanted a 10 foot ladder yeah so we had to go and get that right.
Anyway i was walking round to get it and i told Dave that some geezer had spilled his cup of tea a little bit on the floor but he never see hit and basically he slipped up on it and in my opinion did possibly a 180 degree spin in the air and landed flat on his middle spine.
So anyway, this geezer saw that advert for no claim no fee, or no win no fee, or whatever their stupid unrememable slogan is and decided to do a claim thing on my boss.
Oh my days bruvs, my boss is so gangster he'll probably put a gang hit out on him or some beeharching thing like that.
Am i in the wrong to now want to also claim money off my boss and say maybe i decked down hard on some really hard flooring, possibly as hard as marble, and should i claim, cos i did fall a bit anyway.
Can you beleive barcelona beat real madrid so easialy, Messi went mental he is so good. I love him.
Answer by Trojan Man
I have answered you
Answer by stephanie c
Dang, you're so out of it slip and tell them you need work mens comp..
Answer by not so pc smart.
no wonder nobody answers you. u are annoying and don't know how to get to the point. i just hope this is a prank and that you're not really like this. +_+
Answer by ♥M.A.C♥ Addict
Stop saying yeah and geezer so much, someone then might have a chance of understanding what the hell you're talking about and be able to answer.
Answer by Little Miss Sunshine
I had a hard time understanding but if I'm not mistaken you had an accident at work and want to know if you should file for workman's compensation if this is correct my advice is if you're hurt and need to seek medical attention or take time off work for your injuries file a claim...
Answer by The YM
that must've hurt
Answer by tehabwa
If you want to spend time in prison for a fraudulent claim, go for it.
The reason nobody answers your question is they are long, rambling, and nearly unintelligible. If you want our adivce, you need to make some attempt to communicate with us.
Answer by irishlady
If you honestly fell & got hurt then file a complaint that being said I have to say you calling I assume older people geezer's is so disrespectful you'll get more ans when you don't ask a ques with so much venom & make it difficult to understand OK
Answer by Gare
You arent making sense........get some medications for that
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