The damage was minimal and both parties involved agreed to settle it without involving insurance. The other driver then got their solicitor to send a letter requesting the original amount we agreed plus an extra £1000 solicitors fees. My employer has told me I have to pay this amount rather than go through the company insurance. Is this legal??

Answer by Krag
Well you didn't get a police report or report it to the insurance right away with was the dumb thing to do.. so you must pay for your ignorance.

Answer by Hey Jude
I don't think so, unless when you hired on-the stack of papers they give you to sign but don't give you the time to read them. There may have been one that you signed saying you would responsible for any damages due to company vehicle while you were driving. Ask them to show you the document that says your responsible, if they can't provide you with this document then no your not responsible.

Answer by lil c
tell your employer your not paying...put it on insurance...he should have were working so you dont have to might loose your job tho if hes an a$ $

Answer by Blondie
Unfortunately, they can. Lucky for you tho they will only take it out in small increments till it's paid. Next time tho, get a police report. Right now they are saying you were at fault, and with no documentation on you part, you are stuck holding the bag. You company will pay the fees, but will dock your pay till it's gone. What a crappy lesson to learn the hard way. Happened to a friend of mine, except the company paid everything and fired her a few months later.

Answer by Bert Weidemeier
You need to always get a police report, never leave the scene of an accident, and don't assume anything.

Before you use a company vehicle make sure they have insurance to cover it, if not, you have the right tor refuse the vehicle.

You can refuse payment, but you could lose your job; maybe not right away, but eventually, you'll be gone.

Answer by Heather
Yes it is legal. You risk losing your job if you do not pay.

Answer by lucy
The reason you are getting stuck, is that you and the other party agreed w/out getting insurance involved.

If you had filed with your employers insurance 1st, then they might have paid, but you chose to do on your own since it was minimum damages.

But I question the solicitors fees. Since that is a contract with the other guy and his lawyer. If the company's insurance would have handled, they would not pay the lawyers fees, unless it is different where you live, but in the US, the insurance company is not responsible for the lawyers fees, since it is a contract with the lawyer and client.

Next time, ALWAYS call the insurance company 1st, by settling w/out, you have set yourself up and have no one to fight for you. I do suggest that you call the company's insurance and ask them if you are liable for the lawyers fees or not where you live. And if not, how can you fight this.

good luck

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Orignal From: My employer has told me I have to pay the damage for an accident that I had whilst driving a company car!!!?