My ex just send a text when he is free and expects me to drop everything for him. I want a legal agreement with set days that he must stick to or miss out. Will a solicitor be able to do this for me or will it need to go to a court?
Answer by Cheesebrady
a lawyer could do it if your ex-husband agrees to the terms, but i don't see why he would. i think you'll have to go to court.
Answer by corrouratgmaildotcom
Yes, the best way is to get a Solicitor. Getting legal agreement is very possible, in fact it is the normal way. Then you all three of you know exactly what is happening and work within that frame.
Your ex. is being grossly unfair, and the situation needs to be sorted out once and for all. He must not be allowed to push you around like this ... he is possibly using it to be as difficult as possible for you . . . in other words is maybe using it to punish you.
If there was no agreement with your ex then it would go to a Court and the Judge would decide what is best for your daughter, and will hand out a decision which is binding on everyone.
If you don't want to get a solicitor immediately how about going to Citizen's Advice Bureau (Look on line or in the telephone directory) and find out what your and your daughter's rights are. They might also be able to advise who a good solicitor who deals in Family Law is.... plus, they might be able to give you general advice on whether you would be able to get Legal Aid - it is income and asset related.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Orignal From: I want to get a legal agreement drawn up on when my ex partner see's my daughter, is this possible?
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