I was in the right lane (closet to the curb heading east)and the semi was in the left lane. We were both going the same direction at about the same speed. (30 mph) I was slightly in front of the truck. My rear driverside tire about even with trucks front passenger side tire. All of a sudden the truck begins to merge and smacks the rear quarter panel of my driverside. he was stuck to me until he got back into his lane and stopped. I then pressed the brakes and stopped. My car had turned to the left about 45-50degrees. He did not hit the front of my car at all. We both went thru the next light and pulled over. I am 8 months pregnant and used my hands on the wheel to brace myself not wanting my stomach to hit the steering wheel. I am having pain in my left wrist and elbow as well as my back and neck.The store truck driver did not speak english and called his supervisor who advised him not to call the police, to get my information and give me his also. I do not have a cell phone. It was 6 am wednesday morning and there was no phones around. he would not let me use his phone to call the police. So there was no police report made or filed. We exchanged information. He took pictures of the car and me. After I had his information I drove 9 blocks home. My car is damaged. There is a dent about 2 feet long and .75of an inch deep. Also light on the side is damaged and broken off. My rear tire on the driverside is pushed inward and crooked. It now sits at a slant. the car was pulling left as I drove home. I am completely frazzled and have a lot of anxiety. Also this is too much for a pregnant woman to go thru. Emotionally and mentally. I have no way to get to the doctors now...unless I take an ambulance. I was able to get to the emergency room at 6 pm that night.Much more sore than when the accident occured.They gave me several tests and xrays. determined that I had a strained wrist and neck and back. The baby was fine.

The truck driver is at fault correct??
What kind of claims do I have?
How much can I actually recieve from a settlement?
Someone help me....should I get a lawyer the ones that say that they will file the case with no upfront fees and I pay only if I win the settlement??
Please let me know.....thanks...grateful to be alive...Nicole H

Answer by TheEmpire
I'd abort but it's too late to do it legally

but that's just my opinion

Answer by royjonesjr11
thank god the baby is ok

you should have definitely called the police on the scene

you need to receive legal advice they will advise you better on possibilities of a settlement

if you can establish that the crash caused you grief or a mental disturbance (i.e. anxiety, paranoia) which would be very acceptable in your case then you will normally get a settlement providing the driver was at fault.

hope this helps and God Bless

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Orignal From: I am 8 months pregnant and was hit by a 99 centsonly store semi truck what CAN I do?Should I hire an attorney?