going through. The police and all other agencies have replied but his doctor has not. They (CICA) wrote to his doctor 10 months ago. The doctor seems to be ignoring their requests for information, and will not reply even though we have asked twice now, My son has psychologically been affected by the attack. What grounds has my son to insist that the doctor replies, because it is getting ridiculous. Does my son have grounds to complain to the British Medical Association if the doctor continues to ignore requests for information? My son even wrote to the practice manager and still they won't reply to the Criminal injuries board. What can we do to get the doctor to reply?

Answer by mstess
You're going to have to get a lawyer. It is illegal for the Dr to with hold information from your son. A lawyer will have no problem getting the records. No Dr wants to get sued.

My daughter had the same type of problem. She was severely injured in a car accident. Not her fault. She had alot of specialists reports. One of the Dr's was asked 3 times for his medical report. He basically ignored it. My daughter couldn't settle her suit without his report. Our lawyer finally sent him a letter, and told him, either he hands over the report, or we'd take him to court. Voila. In under 2 weeks we had the report, with a big apology about how busy he was.

Good luck to you

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Orignal From: My Son has a criminal injuries compensation claim?