I was injured 12 years ago by somebody else who was sentenced for it. I am still undergoing treatment for it. Can I still claim compensation?
Answer by mkatm1
I think 7 years the statute of limitations for personal injury claims, however you may be able to sue the person in Civil Court (only if the Criminal Trial has finished and there are no appeals pending). Go to a lawyer who deals specifically with personal injury claims. A lot of them deal on a 'no win no fee' basis so even if you do go to court and don't win compo you will not have to apy for your legal representation.
Hope this has helped in some way!
Answer by Michael Grossman
Most states have a statute of limitations of 2-3 years on personal injury cases. Unfortunately no states go near 12 years.
If a victim is still being treated and has not received a settlement as the statute limit approaches, an attorney must file suit BEFORE that statute expires.
There are a couple of exceptions to the rule, however unless you were 8 or younger when you were injured, you would probably not be eligible.
I would look for information on the exceptions to the personal injury statute of limitations in your state for further information.
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