How to get free online legal consultation for Bangladesh?

I live in Bangladesh. There are not many good free lawyers available here. I have searched the internet, but all the free lawyer consultation programs are for USA, Canada and other countries and not Bangladesh.How do I get free online consultation in context of Bangladesh? Any website addresses would be appreciated.
By the way, Lawguru works, but its not consultaion, its question and answer, I need a consultation, session.

Answer by ~DrighRoad
Have you ever heard the adage: "Nothing comes for free"?

This is more true in our kind of setting where the lawyers are ruthless not only with money but also would treat you with disrespect even if you pay them. I have learnt this hard lesson when I lost my lawyer elder bro who would do things almost for free for me and my company.

Now I have to go to my late brother's colleague and most of the time I would not get the service for the fee I pay for. Sometimes, they do not show much interest since they can not squeeze more money out of me, for my being younger bro of their late-colleague.

Therefore, you either forget going to settle disputes through the lawyers help or be prepared to pay them their asking price. Visit Dhaka Judges Courts or the High Court and see how people are running after the lawyers, the way these very people would run for the Doctors when they would need that kind of service. These games are played by almost every professionals and government officials in Bangladesh where people would arm-twist to extract money from the "victim" without showing mercy to the financial inability of the person seeking justice.

Have relatives or friends posted in every specialized fields in Bangladesh if you want to live cheaply!

Sorry for the sarcasm, but it is true for Bangladesh.

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"Free Consultation" is NOT an Irresistible Offer  

Article by Benjamin Glass

Copyright (c) 2009 Benjamin Glass

If you are among the countless attorneys who use "free consultation" or "free case evaluation" as an irresistible offer, you are missing out on a great marketing opportunity. With all of the hundreds of ads saying the same thing, how will your firm standout?

One of the most successful ways to get someone to stop and contact your company is to have an irresistible offer in your advertisement or on your website that is different than your competition. A free consultation, or other similar promotion, is not an irresistible offer that will attract new cases. Just about every law firm offers a free consultation, so it is not very unique. If you use it as the primary reason someone should call you, you are probably not going to make your telephone ring as much as you would like.

An irresistible offer is something that makes potential clients say to themselves, "I would be a fool to do anything else today before I contacted this law firm (or business)." It needs to be an offer that is so enticing that the person reading your ad believes that it would be a huge mistake to not to take you up on it. Free books, reports and CDs are great examples of irresistible offers.

A lawyer advertisement used to appear in the Yellow Pages that was focused on an irresistible offer. Instead of using the same offers as other attorneys, this ad had an interesting headline and offer of a free book, "I'm Sick and Tired of the Insurance Companies Taking Advantage of People." This ad, which had the law firm listed in small print and didn't even have an attorney picture, was highly responsive.

Your irresistible offer is a key component in creating a winning marketing message. When you combine your offer with a strong headline and interesting copy, you are able to get the conversation started. You are now one on one with the client, because you are in essence, having a discussion with an individual who has a problem in your area of specialty. This person has stayed long enough on your website or ad, wants your irresistible offer and is on the way to becoming your client. At this point, you can spend the money to tell a complete story to that person.

Your goal with your irresistible offer is to simply get people to raise their hands and say that they are interested, let's get the conversation started. You want them to stop their search and wait for you to respond.

About the Author

BEN GLASS is a Fairfax small business owner and marketing and small business consultant. He runs monthly marketing meetings for Northern Virginia business owners and entrepreneurs. To come to our next meeting for free, and get one of Ben's books, for free, visit or call 877-IBA-GKIC (877-422-4542)

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