What the Legal Services Act means for your firm - Richard Cohen - Part One

Speaker - Richard Cohen - Solicitor and Chairman of Epoq Group The Legal Services Act 2007 (LSA) is the first attempt to draw the entire legal services market into one regulatory framework. It is a reaching and radical departure from existing regulation and legal business structures and will lead to the creation of "Alternative Business Structures" (ABS). The effect will be that the £23 billion legal services market, once the preserve of law firms, will be distributed through banking, insurance and retail outlets. Change to the legal services market will come via new entrants and existing savvy law firms who will reap the greatest benefits by using the latest technology solutions to deliver innovative legal services. Part One - www.youtube.com Part Two - www.youtube.com About Richard Cohen www.epoq.co.uk Qualified in 1981 as a solicitor, Richard has extensive experience in a number of legal areas, and originally founded the firm of Landau & Cohen Solicitors. He is a recognised expert on the commoditisation and unbundling of legal services and their delivery. He has been a regular speaker for the English Law Society, Scottish Law Society, American Bar Association, Society for Computers and Law and private seminar organisations. As the Joint Chief Executive Officer of the Epoq Group, he has been instrumental in the development of the Epoq Group's blue chip, international customer base. His role focuses on general strategic direction and forging alliances with major ...

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