I got in an accident with a semi-truck and I talked to the driver before the state trooper arrived and he admitted the accident was partially his fault. The trooper got my statement first and I told the truth that I was partially responsible, the trucker decided to lie and say he was not at fault. I did not realize this untill I got the accident report. At that point I could not protest so I figured my inshurance company would get the bill because he had my info, I left for Iraq 2 or 3 months later and was gone for a year then a month or 2 after I got back my parents got a bill from the truck drivers company saying they wanted $ 1,420.62 for the damages. So I was wondering if they could legally persue me after such an extream amount of time.
the accident Happener in kentucky

Answer by Sassy MiMa
You could have gotten a amended police report. Depending on what state you are in, you only have 30 days to file accident report with your insurance company. It is also your insurance companies responsiblity to investigate the claim. If you feel you are not responsible, contact your insurance company and dispute the claim. They will have some investigate... but this is something you should have taken care of immediately.

Hopefully your insurance company will take your statement... as well as his. That is what they were supposed to do immediately.

Answer by la428282
Generally the statue of limitations for claims is a number of years (as opposed to one.) I would say go ahead and call the claim into your insurance... explain the situation and your side of what happened.. and let them fight it out with the other drivers carrier.

Answer by Chu
If you are in New York it is 3 years.

Answer by Chris
Statutes of Limitations depend on the state. Help us out and tell us that, maybe someone knows.

Answer by Devilish13
Normally its a two year limitation check with your insurance agent. I believe at this point they can take you to small claims still or even go through your insurance. All this varies for each state though. good luck

Answer by Jake W
Because your in the military and were out of the area you have until you return to where the accident happened for them to try and sue you. Your covered under the Soldiers and Sailors act. You cannot be sued when you cannot be there to defend yourself.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Orignal From: What is the statute of limitations on a claim for a car accident that happened over a year ago?