A question for disabled military vets?

Posted by 70sfamily | 10:37:00 PM

I need to know the name and info for a good lawyer that specializes in military issues concerning disability and wrongful discharge. Also since I am asking has anyone ever been discharged from the military with honorable but they say your disabled and are making it hard to claim VA rights and any entitlements the military should offer. (IE-medically retired personal recieve things such as monthly pension and medical benefits) Hubby is considered disabled and not eligable for reentry into military due to hearing loss, but no benefits yet or compensation. Any help or suggestions?

Answer by skcs69
The only thing I can tell you is put a claim in to the va. That is what I did. Do it on the internet at www.va.gov

Answer by handyman
Contact your local VA office then if they fail to answer, make sure you have their name and dates you were there to speak with them. Write to the Director of the Veterans Administration and if he fails, write, or call your Congressman or Senator or do both. They usually are good at cutting through the Red Tape. My aunt did that when my uncle (Bataan Death March Survivor) passed away. He was a retired Master Seargent. I have written to mine before and they can and will help.

Best of luck

Answer by paulisfree2004
put in your claim, and call either the American Legion or a VFW for an advocate who knows the ropes and will assist you

Answer by nonalcoholic2
Contact a Senator from your home state beforea lawyer. If you do contact a lawyer find one that specializes on military issues and does it for free! Has he had a C&P exam? If not get bust at the VA!

Answer by bsktballfan
Contact a local Veterans Organization. They have all the names and numbers. Your congressman should be able to help you a lot too. Happened to my cousin and her husband. McCain Did a lot for them in Washington. You sometimes have to make waves, and there is no point in paying a lawyer, if you don't have to.

Answer by Patrick M
I'll keep this simple. At this point calm down. A lot of people like to talk to the VA people like they are trash or out to get you. The truth is that most of them are willing to work with you if you can keep your head. The whole system is back logged and a huge mess, so if you want to get any where you need to start talking to the right people. Now most of the VA people are busy as hell, so a better group to talk to is the DAV. They have local offices all over and will help you get your case together and then send it off to the correct VA groups. They will be able to tell you want you need to do and what kind of options you have.

So, question what rating did he get from the military? If he got a 30% or below your should have received a one time payment and that's it as far as the military is concerned. If his rating is higher than that then the DAV should be able to help you figure out why your not getting monthly payments. Getting the VA pension isn't easy so expect it to take at least six months to get on it, so if you need money quickly may want to look else where to get by for the time being.

Anyways, I'm 25, did 7 years in the navy and pull a 100% pension. The whole system is a pain, but keep you head and people will help you out. The DAV, did a ton for me and I think they can help you if you give it a shot. Good Luck.

Update: You can try the senator thing, but don't rely on it. I was really getting screwed over for a while and mine wouldn't do a thing to help me out. I'm 25 and very sick from cancer and the navy wouldn't do anything for me. I wrote my senator for help a couple times and her office never bothered to respond.

Neo: Who is your rant for and how does it help other vets?

Answer by Neo
Uncle Sam looks after his own. You are Unamerican, I was proud to do my duty so that liberal hippies like you could undermine our Government

Answer by David B
The military, as a whole, discourages the awarding of disability payments for hearing loss, in due to the emphasis on hearing conservation. They provide ear plugs, ear muffs and do annual hearing tests to monitor for hearing loss. So, it is unusual to suddenly develop hearing loss, unless you have a specific injury or documented exposure. As I watch kids, with Ipods plugged in day and night, I predict there will be alot of folks with hearing loss in the future. You do need good hearing to stay in the military, so getting put out for hearing loss in not unusal. Did he enter the service with hearing loss.? If so, why should they pay him now?? Those are the realities in the service.

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