Paul Watson & Aaron Dykes: Terrorist Who Trained London Bombers Was Working For US Government 3/3
Paul Joseph Watson February 14, 2011 While talking heads like Glenn Beck continue to invoke the threat of radical Islam, they habitually ignore the blindingly obvious, that radical Islam is a creature of the US military-industrial complex. Case in point -- the terrorist who trained the London bombers was a US informant and has been freed after serving only four and a half years of a possible 70-year sentence. Citing his "exceptional co-operation," in working with US authorities, a New York Judge released Mohammed Junaid Babar despite him pleading guilty to five counts of terrorism, an outcome that has, "Raised questions over whether Babar was a US informer at the time he was helping to train the ringleader of the 7 July tube and bus bombings," reports the London Guardian. Babar admits to consorting with high level "Al-Qaeda" terrorists, as well as "providing senior members with money and equipment, running weapons." He also set up a training camp in Pakistan in 2003 where alleged 7/7 ringleader Mohammad Sidique Khan learned bomb-making techniques. "Graham Foulkes, a magistrate whose 22-year-old son David was killed by Khan at Edgware Road underground station in 2005, said: "People get four and a half years for burglary. They can get more for some road traffic offences. So for an international terrorist who's directly linked to the death of my son and dozens and dozens of people to get that sentence is just outrageous." But Babar's ...
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