He died last March 16,2010. As I was reading through all the list of diseases I can honestly say he had some of the medical conditions when he was alive.Can my Mom file a claim with the Va even if my Dad had passed away?Is this a different claim from indemnity compensation claim she filed as a surviving spouse of a veteran?My Dad was not evaluated for the agent orange claim.What kind of compensation will they get?
Answer by TRANT
Call the local VA office and ask for an appointment for your Mom. They'd be happy to explain to her. Do not be afraid to submit a claim and stick with it.
Answer by Tom
Call the VA rep in the county you live in. I'm sure he/she will tell you that if your Dad died of cancer then approval of the claim for agent orange exposure will automatically be approved. I'm a Vietnam vet myself. There is considerable red tape in getting approval. Use a service organization like Amvets, DAV, or VFW to help you. They provide that service free to service members and their families. If you are now showing any syptoms yourself of certain ailments your Dad may have inadvertently passed the condition onto you. Certain birth defects and tendencies toward certain illnesses are believed to be the result of a father's service in Vietnam. It doesn't cost you anything to check it out, and you and your Mother may be entitled to considerable compensation and/or medical care. Your Mother definitely.
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Orignal From: My Dad was a Vietnam Veteran and I heard about the agent orange disability claim.?
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