Mississauga Council debates lawyers' fees for Mayor Hazel McCallion (Judicial Inquiry)
www.mississaugawatch.ca VIDEO TRANSCRIPT BEGINS: COUNCILLOR CARMEN CORBASSON (Acting Mayor): Councillor Iannicca. COUNCILLOR NANDO IANNICCA: Thank you. I have just a couple of quick thoughts. Councillor Parrish touched upon it. I am concerned the extent to which, you know, we might need 0000 more. And then she said that immediately becomes a target waiting at the finish line. It's not an [inaudible] limit. So you know you're in. And that concerns me. And the fact that it wasn't articulated or demonstrated in a little bit more fulsome manner. But be that as it may. The other part as it relates to the costs. Certainly on my behalf and on behalf of my constituents, you know it's the classic "It Is What It Is". I mean when I supported the Inquiry, I said to myself, I'm not asking for a fixed amount of justice. We're asking for justice and a proper inquiry. MISSISSAUGAWATCH whispers into camera: Yes.. COUNCILLOR NANDO IANNICCA: It's very tough under that circumstance to say we rolled up and said give me twenty bucks worth of gas. You've got to say Fill it Up. Wherever that journey takes you. And so I'm a little disappointed in the sense that we look at these reports and this is what it costs and it's costing you 40 hours of work. What is somebody thinking? That if you come back and say that we've reached five million, we're going to say Stop? I mean, and especially in the circumstances that we're describing, where it's to seek justice where politicians are involved. And one ...
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