for their campaign contributions by giving them a very lucrative piece of the action of trying these terrorist scumb@gs that the civilian lawyers wouldn't get if the terrorist scumb@gs were tried by military tribunals instead?

Remember, the trial lawyer lobby is the single largest lobby effort in Washington, D. C.

Isn't this basically making the sleazy trial lawyers "the Halliburton of defending terrorist scumb@gs" in U. S. civilian courts?

Once again, it's "follow the money" to yet another sleazy Dumocrat quid pro quo.

Why isn't the Zerobama/Eric Holder - US trial lawyer lobby connection to the Obama decision to try terrorists as civilians being investigated?

Answer by Neal
No, I don't think it is. They just don't think it is a martial matter. They think it is a criminal matter.

Answer by Reality has a Liberal Bias
The US Government has tried dozens of terrorism cases, 95% of them resulting in convictions.

Answer by Buddy Love
Obviously, all their talking points are straight out of the ACLU playbook.

Answer by Gregory c
If they are enemy combatants what country do they fight for? I do agree this is a threat that we must adapt to, however if it were just some nut job would he be an enemy combatant? We are in a very unconventional struggle with terrorism. Did not Tim McViegh commit an act of terrorism as part of some group? Was he an enemy combatant?

Answer by Grocer Jack
You have to treat them as criminals.

If you thought about it you'd realise that the outcomes you probably want such as the death penalty are only possible if they are criminals and NOT enemy combatants who would then have to be treated as POW's as under the Geneva convention.

For example if you treat them as enemy combatants you have to grant them, amongst other things, the right to parade in full uniform. That's the law. Do you really want to give these scum that right ?

I'd like to see them put up against a wall and shot and you can't do that to anyone you deem a combatant.

What do you think? Answer below!

Orignal From: Is the liberal Dumocrat fetish to try ENEMY COMBATANTS like muggers really payback to the trial lawyer lobby..?