will the rental car place charge me any money? do i just pay the deductible?
pardon my language but ill be damned if i have to pay them for labor on fixing the car
Answer by bundysmom
You're required to pay the cost of repairs and loss of use, whether it comes out of your pocket or your insurance companies doesn't matter.
Answer by William
Well there are two things that are at work here. First is you took insurance (which I assume you didn't) then you are liable for any and all damages to the vehicle that were you fault.
You might check your own homeowners and auto policy as many of them have rental cars within their coverage. If so then you would probably be covered under your comphrensive and have to pay the deductible.
Answer by mad as hell
If your covered by your ins. or purchased an ins. extra when you rented the car..you would only have to pay the deductible.
Answer by kys
You pay anything your insurance doesn't cover, i.e. the deductible.
And yes, take some responsibility, you do have to pay them for the labor. You drove the car, you got into an accident, you are responsible for the charges incurred.
Answer by jaimi m
You would only pay the deductible on your current auto policy or the one you choose when you got the insurance through the rental company itself. You will not have a choice about the labor, that comes with being responsible for the accident. The insurance company will pay for all damages and you just pay the deductible. However if you were at fault and your current insurance company pays for you can expect a surcharge at your next insurance renewal. And even if you switch to another company they would have record of the accident as well in a system call K.L.U.E that all insurance companies have access to, to verify if a policy holder has had any claims in the last 5 years.
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Orignal From: I recently got into an accident while driving a rental, do i only pay what the claims adjuster estimates?
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