A Battle for Benefits: VA's arduous disability claims process
With close to one million backlogged claims, the VA bureaucracy is an obstacle for most vets Veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan must navigate the dense bureaucracies of the DoD and VA in order to receive service-related benefits and disability compensation. The VAs claim system is still paper based, which can sometimes result in lost forms and long waits, according to those who have used the system. Close to one million claims are currently backlogged, including around 423000 compensation claims, according to the VA. I waited two years till my claim got processed, said Jules Placide, a formerly homeless Korean era vet. It takes quite some time, and veterans need help to go through all the legal red tape, cause theres a lot of bureaucracy that you have to go through. Read more at: www.longmarchhome.org
What is the process for filing a workers' compensation claim in Colorado?
Cliff Enten, Law Offices of Cliff Enten, www.entenlaw.com - (303) 333-2222. Colorado Workers Compensation Law FAQs thelaw.tv Disclaimer: thelaw.tv
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