Doctors do a LOT of unnecessary and expensive tests to avoid possible lawsuits, I have seen this first hand.
Can we have real health care reform as long as our politicians like Obama are beholding to groups like the trial lawyers?
Answer by Forget War Buy More
Answer by Disco Stu
If I answer that question, I might get sued.
Answer by Marcia B
" a major reason why health care costs so much" It is a contributing factor. The skyrocketing premiums are largely lining the pockets of insurance companies....not lawyers, not doctors, not hospitals.
Answer by PJ
But it is also because big insurance and medicare DEMAND 80% discounts on services - so everything has to be marked up so that providers can give insurance companies and medicare their outrageous discount.
Answer by Got Wild, Staring Eyes
Yes, they are a major component. Litigation is entirely out of control in the US and has to be addressed to reduce health care costs.
Answer by White House Watching
The only reason we do not have TORT reform. Why isn't a reasonable approach looking at Tort reform and part of the solution instead of ignoring it totally?
Answer by Sadcat
I don't see how trial lawyers could be responsible for the fact that two Tylenol tablets cost $ 25 once you're in the hospital. No one has ever been sued for giving two Tylenol.
Answer by I probably don't like you
No, its a mere pittance in the actual cost of being a healthcare professional.
Supply and demand is the major contributing factor. Everyone needs to go to the doctor at least once in their lives, if not mulitple times... You kinda need life to live.
Answer by Eric P
those type of attorneys (not all attorneys) are parasitic leeches that provide no benefits to society
Answer by kscottmccormick
The lawsuits that result when people do not get well are a major reason for the high cost of health care in the US.
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