My name is Tejpal Singh.I got a job Offer from a UK company, bit in order to proceed in the visa they ask me to get an affidavit of guarantee from the British high court and they give a name of an ATTORNEY
to help me in gitting this affidavit of guarantee, i think this ATTORNEY will charge me fees for this service, what i think it is impossible to get work permession in 10 days, they told me they will do the necessary as soon as i supply them with the affidavit of guarantee ,
Can anybody help me to know if this is a real Offer or Spam, The mail detail is
Address: EasyJet Airlines
easyjet airline company limited
Hangar 89
London Luton Airport
Bedfordshire, England
Dear Chattwal Tejpal Singh
This is an affirmation that you have emerged successful and being
appointed for the position of Quality Engineer and stated in the attached files. The mode of selection was based on the following;
1. CV and qualification
2. Mode in which your data is being presented on the employment data sheet.
3. Work experiences.
4. We employ staff based on four core values namely Productivity, Talent, Ambitions and Character and we expect all our staff to exhibit These Core values. Also we ensure that all our staff especially our International employees are comfortable. Attached here which is your
1. Appointment Letter
2. Terms of agreement that you are to read very well, accept by
Printing and signing it and sending to us via email attach.
3. Filled the Work permit Visa form
The resident work permit clearance certificate that is needed for any Employee to work in UK should come from the UK Immigration here in UK. There for attached to this mail is U.K work permit form that will be Filled in capitals and submitted.
We will take care of the expenses and the provision of work visa to UK,
Work and resident permits. Employees would have to provide a Scan Copy of their International passport to enable us undertake the processing your work and resident permit in your favor.
Due to past experiences the company has had with international staff That absconded when they got to the UK the company now makes it mandatory for every International Staff to submit an Affidavit of Guarantee from the British High Court in UK.
This ensures that any Staff coming to work with us will not leave the company on getting to The UK. You are required to contact the attorney if you accept the terms and Conditions of work to enable and assist you procure an affidavit of guarantee, which must be presented to us within one week of receipt of this offer letter so that we would commence the processing of your Travel papers.
Below is the contact information of the Attorney whom you are to contact immediately to obtain an Affidavit of Guarantee from a British High Court.
Barrister Michael Kent
Designation: Attorney & Solicitor
Telephone: +447024028739, +447024036526
Address: Crown office chamber,
Crown Office Chambers, 2 Crown Office Row, Temple,
London, EC4Y 7HJ, DX: 80 London, Chancery Lane
Contact the Attorney if the terms below and attached are suitable with you. Indicate your telephone numbers and resident Address while contacting the attorney.
Note that failure to provide the affidavit of guarantee within the 10 Days of getting this appointment means an automatic termination of Appointment. Note you are to bear the cost of the fee for the affidavit of Guarantee and on the confirmation of the affidavit from the British High court you are to submit the affidavit to us along with an Account information on where you will be reimburse on the expense you incur as regards to procuring the affidavit of guarantee.
You re advised to write a Letter for reimbursement Addressed to the Chief Accountant Mrs. Jennifer Parker Showing a Scanned Copy of payment receipts, approval letter from the Attorney here in UK, letter for the 75% advance salary of the first month and account information where the reimbursement will be paid.(This is only payable once an evidence of the affidavit of guarantee is shown by our legal representatives here in the UK) Note: Please do present an Account information that is accredited and money receivable by you.
Best regards as we are waiting to receive the duplicate copy of your affidavit of guarantee.
Thank you.
Mr. Mike Jones
Head of Employment Service
Tel: +447024092783
plz tell me is it real or spam
Answer by Maggie
This is 100% a scam for many, many reasons.
1. There is no such thing as an Affidavit of Guarantee required for immigration purposes.
2. The British High Courts deal with matters of criminal law, not work documentation or nay other type of documentation issue.
3. Attorney is not used in the UK, it is an American terminology.
4. No lawyer can get a visa for you. You must apply in your own country at the nearest visa application centre. You must submit your original documentation and pay the fee in your local currency.
5. Visas are not issued in the UK unless you are already resident here and want to change your status or extend your visa.
6. No British company would ever offer a job by email to a non EEA national without an extensive recruitment process. There are legal guidelines employers must follow when employing a non EEA national. It would be impossible to employ you without permission from UKBA and without proof of your suitability over any EEA applicants.
7. No British company would ever put out such a poorly written communication. The English is appalling and certainly not written by a native speaker. The grammar and punctuation are bordering on the illiterate.
8. You would never get anything, least of all a work visa, with a scanned copy of your passport. To get a visa you need to submit the original along with loads of other ORIGONAL documentation such as proof of your qualifications, maintenance funds etc. You also need a certificate of sponsorship from your prospective employer. This certificate is a unique number that denitrifies your job offer and you cannot apply for a visa without one.
9. The telephone numbers are redirect numbers, not UK numbers. No reputable organisation would ever use these numbers. They give the impression that they are UK numbers, but can be redirected anywhere in the world. They are also usually premium rate so you can be charged a small fortune every time you call one.
10. No reputable organisation would ever use free email accounts such as A lawyer certainly would not as they are not secure enough for the type of information they handle.
11. Barrister Michael Kent is designated as an Attorney and a Solicitor. Barristers do not act as solicitors in the UK and never deal directly with clients. They represent you through your solicitor in court and a re briefed by your solicitor. They would rarely if ever deal directly with a member of the public.
12. Here's the results of a Google using the phrase "We employ staff based on four core values namely Productivity, Talent, Ambitions and Character and we expect all our staff to exhibit These Core values" You can see how many job scams this has been used in.
Answer by Uncle
its a scam ....
Answer by aizleen
hey! i'm also said to pass an employment with easy jet airlines! we have the same contact persons too! im also scared if this is a spam or not. kinda creepy though.. what did you do? my uncle tried to call the mos. given (he lives in UK) and he said that someone did answer the phone but he can't understand the way he speaks. what did you do with this?
Answer by Younus
Hey i got the same email, word for word, it has to be fake, tooo good to be true
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Orignal From: 2 year work permit U.K?
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