I do not have great credit and I am looking online for a personal loan, I have been emailed by tons of scammers asking me for up-front fees of $ 250 etc. to get the loan from them. I have tried everywhere and I have decided that I cannot obtain an UNSECURED personal loan. I applied on one website that looked legit, and I was called the next day by a company called century financial incorporated. Their website is www.century-financialinc.com. they have offered me a SECURE personal loan at a rate of 8.75 % from a 3rd party lender. Since I do not have the credit rating to get an UNSECURED personal loan (which means I recieve money with no collateral or co-signer). This company has outlined to me 3 different options to SECURE my personal loan. 1. co-signer. must have a cosigner with perfect credit. I said no thanks. 2. monetary collateral....which they have outlined the payments of $ 235/month which will be taken out of direct deposit, they have asked for a lump sum of my first 4 monthly payments, which turns out to be $ 940. Option 3. is Insurance coverage I would have to purchase from them $ 1800, to secure the loan, after 5 consecutive months of on-time payments, the $ 1800 would be refunded.
I am seriously considering option #2, sending them $ 940 they said I would send it securly through western union, and within 3-4 hours, the loan would be deposited into my account, or I could have a certified cheque delivered to my house via fedex. I just have worries that after I send them $ 940, nothing will happen. I have talked to this man adam wilcox on the phone, he sounds like a very nice, understanding, knowledgable financial advisor, I do trust him I expressed my concerns with him and he assures me that this whole process is legitimate. can somebody visit thier website for me, the website states an actual address under contact information which is always a good sign, let me know how the website looks to you, below is the first page of the loan contract they sent me. I am on the fence about this one, but I really need a loan, but I do not want to be scammed. please advise on your opinions, or if anybody has experience dealing with this company? or a loan process like this, does this sound like the general way things need to be done? please give your opinions...
thank you very much
DEAR: _____________
You can rest assure knowing you have made the right decision by choosing CENTURY FINANCIAL INC to act on your behalf, in finding an appropriate solution to your financial needs. CENTURY FINANCIAL INC has been committed to helping our clients achieve their financial goals since 1987. Our owner and Co founder, Ronald Taylor, vision is to win loyal clients through excellent customer service and as a result 100% customer satisfaction.
We respect your privacy and guarantee the information you have provided to us will remain confidential. We see this as our responsibility and the minimum standard for meeting and exceeding our client's expectations.
At CENTURY FINANCIAL INC we realize carefully planned budgets may not always stretch as far as you may need them to. Borrowing is always an option that can be taken, yet for some; it may make life more complicated than easy. Here at CENTURY FINANCIAL INC we welcome all of your questions. We will work with you exploring all financial options available to you. Our company is committed to treating our clients with courtesy, professionalism and respect.
CENTURY FINANCIAL INC would like to take this time to congratulate you and inform you that we are in receipt of all the necessary documents necessary to process your loan application.
Here at, CENTURY FINANCIAL INC we abide by all laws governing documents handling for identification purposes. All documents supplied to us are used solely for the purpose of obtaining your loan. This information is confidential and cannot be released without the verbal and /or written consent of the client. We trust that all information provided on your application is accurate. Failure to provide correct information on your application could result in this contract determined null and void.
Thank you for accepting the terms and conditions negotiated on your behalf by CENTURY FINANCIAL INC who will be securing the loan on your behalf.
Based on the information you have provided, we have obtained a lender to process and approve your loan request of $ 18,000.00CDN on a Secured Basis. Your representative, Adam Wilcox, has outlined the 2 options in which you may secure your loan (Refer to Page 5 & 6 for Security Options).
The Insurance Coverage protects the lender in the event you refuse to pay back the negotiated terms due to the fact that you the client have become unemployed
Answer by my16paws
SCAM, to not touch this. You will send the $ 940 and then there will be a few other issues that come up where they will need a little more money from you. Then after a few days they will have another "fee" you need to pay. If you look carefully they are not giving you the loan "we have obtained a lender to process and approve your loan request" Once they have your $ 940.00 and the $ 1,800 this lender will disappear. And you will need to pay a bit more for another lender, all said and done good luck getting your funds back
Answer by Ghana Banana
Its a scam, dont touch it. That site is only 1 week old and has already changed servers 3 times in that week.They are not a real company http://whois.domaintools.com/century-financialinc.com
anyone asking you to send them money is a scam, they always add any fees to the amount to be paid back. You send $ 940 and you are buying some new jewellery for the girlfriend some scammer at an internet cafe in Lagos, there is no loan. There is no legtiimate company in any advanced country that uses Western Union, that's the sign of a scam coming out of a third world country where people dont have bank accounts. What sort of financial institution wouldn't have a bank account where you'd do a wire transfer to them or vice versa, how can you not see how dodgey this whole thing is.
Report this and the website to the FBI Internet Crime division to get it shut down before they can scam others http://www.ic3.gov/default.aspx
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Orignal From: trying to decide if this loan company is legitimate? I need a second and third opinion, let me know?
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