I believe that a valid will exists. I do not know the name of my relative's solicitor who is presumably the executor of the will.

Answer by VikingLord
Well well well... Are you the compassionate one? Time will tell if YOU are a beneficiary.

Answer by reefshadow
You would be contacted by the lawyer.

Answer by sellofain
The executor/trix of the estate is legally bound to contact you. Thats the role of the Executor/trix; distributing the deceased's assets in accordance with the provisions of the will.

Answer by Goonhilda
You do not need to contact them. They will contact you if there is anything left to you. Don't expect anything, though. Wills can be full of suprises.

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Orignal From: A relative of mine has recently died. How do I find out if I am a beneficary of the will.?